mercoledì 31 agosto 2016

Various reflections arising from my practice


In psychoanalisys one should avoid to give explanations. Either they are accepted or rejected (which is different than saying they are "correct" or "wrong") most likely they will only produce more resistance. Explanations operate at the level of the Ego.

To "explain" comes from "to make plain, to level, flatten". Indeed, full explanations (if anything like this exist) clear the question, flatten any doubts, speculations or curiosity. Consequence of a good explanation is that "there is nothing more to say". Conversely, the psychoanalytic experience shows that important is to continue speaking, telling, questioning, coming to new associations.


Imaginary is not where ‪‎neurosis begins. Impossible the life without fantasy. Neurosis is the ‪‎fixation of some specific fantasy


‪‎Anorexic wants one thing: nothing. It is different from not wanting anything.

‪‎Bulimics eat anything, only to see that nothing is valuable. Nothing makes the difference

Why me?

Some say "Why me?" Is a typical jewish question. Asking "why me" has to do not just with one's own representation (e.g. the elected people; the culprit; etc) but most importantly with whom lies in the place of the Other. Often times this is a God, meaning it is to a God this question is frequently addressed to

Christ was the first to ask "Why (have you abandoned) me?". Then, this question has a different nuance and different relevance for Jewish and for Christians.

In the Old Testament, the story of Job beautifully presents some elements of the depressive discourse. To begin with, the search for meaning


It is a common experience that academic learning kills curiosity and creativity. The huge amount of information one has to study rarely provide new clues or ideas or bring to formulate further questions; after studying one easily feels full of knowledge but emptied of creative thinking and unable to make use of that knowledge. Instead, psychoanalysis proceeds by way of association, by combinatorial logic, by following the ambiguity of the signifier; it does not operate by way of explanation or clarification, but still there are effects of understanding. And this brings to new associations, new thoughts, new ideas, new questions.

Gaining ‪‎knowledge is not what support or enhance the ‪‎desire and rarely produce a ‪‎change in ‪‎psychoanalysis


Psychoanalysis is not about factual (or philosophical, or logical) truth. Nevertheless, it is about truth.

How does psychoanalysis work? This question can be approached in many ways. For example, we can say that psychoanalysis works by changing linkers (e.g. whereas, therefore, despite) and connectors (e.g. although, but, because) among sentences

Contrary to psychology and psychotherapy, in psychoanalysis no academic certificates/titles can guarantee the goodness of our practice

Psychoanalysis is not a religion and does not require to be a "believer". Quite on the contrary, an analysis proceeds from uncertainties

I first presented these few considerations on my Facebook/Twitter pages. You are invited to follow me (Diego Busiol)